Board of Assessment Review
Tax Assessor, Carrie Schermerhorn, email: [email protected] 518-696-3789 ext. 4
A Board of Assessment Review is required in each local government. The Board shall consist of not less than three or more than five members appointed by the Town Board. Members shall have knowledge of property values in the Town. A majority of such board members shall consist of members who are not officers or employees of the Town.
Grievance Day for 2024 will be held on the first Tuesday in June from 4:00PM to 8:00PM in the meeting room of the Town of Day Town Hall, 1650 North Shore Road. Hadley, NY.
Town of Day Board of Assessment Review Board Members
Mary Ann Johnson, term expires 2029
April Schmick, term expires 2026
Peter O'Connell, term expires 2027
Curtis Schreiner, term expires 2028
Vacant, Term Expires 2025
The Board Members role is to hear grievances from property owners contesting their assessed property value as determined by the Town Assessor. Normally, they have already met with the Assessor to see if an agreement can be reached. The BAR will review the required paperwork filed by the applicant, ask questions of the applicant if present, and make a decision as to whether or not the assessment will be changed, and if so, what the assessed value will be. Copies of the decisions are filed with the applicant, the Assessor and the BAR clerk. Appeals of BAR decisions by the applicant are made through the Small Claims Court.
The terms of office of members of the BAR shall be 5 years and commence on the first day of October and terminate on the thirtieth day of September, five years thereafter.
The chairman of the BAR is chosen annually by the members of the BAR and must notify the Town Clerk of the designation. Within 20 days of appointment of members to the Bar or as the designated chairman, the Town Clerk must notify the state board and Saratoga County Director of Real Property of the appointments/designation.
The Town Board may adopt a resolution providing that the BAR members shall be paid for their services and fix the amount of such compensation. BAR members are required to attend training as prescribed by the Director of Real Property Tax Services.
A Board of Assessment Review is required in each local government. The Board shall consist of not less than three or more than five members appointed by the Town Board. Members shall have knowledge of property values in the Town. A majority of such board members shall consist of members who are not officers or employees of the Town.
Grievance Day for 2024 will be held on the first Tuesday in June from 4:00PM to 8:00PM in the meeting room of the Town of Day Town Hall, 1650 North Shore Road. Hadley, NY.
Town of Day Board of Assessment Review Board Members
Mary Ann Johnson, term expires 2029
April Schmick, term expires 2026
Peter O'Connell, term expires 2027
Curtis Schreiner, term expires 2028
Vacant, Term Expires 2025
The Board Members role is to hear grievances from property owners contesting their assessed property value as determined by the Town Assessor. Normally, they have already met with the Assessor to see if an agreement can be reached. The BAR will review the required paperwork filed by the applicant, ask questions of the applicant if present, and make a decision as to whether or not the assessment will be changed, and if so, what the assessed value will be. Copies of the decisions are filed with the applicant, the Assessor and the BAR clerk. Appeals of BAR decisions by the applicant are made through the Small Claims Court.
The terms of office of members of the BAR shall be 5 years and commence on the first day of October and terminate on the thirtieth day of September, five years thereafter.
The chairman of the BAR is chosen annually by the members of the BAR and must notify the Town Clerk of the designation. Within 20 days of appointment of members to the Bar or as the designated chairman, the Town Clerk must notify the state board and Saratoga County Director of Real Property of the appointments/designation.
The Town Board may adopt a resolution providing that the BAR members shall be paid for their services and fix the amount of such compensation. BAR members are required to attend training as prescribed by the Director of Real Property Tax Services.