Zoning Board of Appeals
Zoning Board of Appeals Clerk- Sandra Mahr
Email: [email protected]
518-696-3789 ext. 5
Office hours are Wednesdays and Fridays by appointment
The Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) meets once a month, regularly scheduled to meet on the 3rd Monday of the month at 7:00PM in the Town of Day Town Hall community room. The exception is that if there are no agenda items the ZBA will not meet. The ZBA meeting calendar can be found on this websites front page Town Meeting Schedule. The Minutes/Agendas tab contain meeting minutes and agendas. Please note that if a holiday falls on a Monday, the meeting date would be moved to a Thursday that week.
ZBA forms may be obtained from the Town of Day website under the Forms tab or at the Day Town Hall. Applications must be submitted by applicant to the ZBA Clerk no later than Tuesday the week prior to ZBA meeting.
Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals are appointed by the Town Board and serve five year overlapping terms.
Current Board Members:
April Schmick- Chairwoman of the Board, term expires 2026 email: [email protected]
Steve Edwards, Board Member, term expires 2025
Jeremy Allen, Board Member, term expires 2029
Rob Zeglen, Board Member, term expires 2027
Tina Seibert, Board Member, term expires 2028
The Zoning Board of Appeals is responsible for assisting property owners whose plans for their property conflict with local land use law or “zoning.” Zoning is the common term for the local land use laws that define what may be done on a lot (business or residential) and where structures may be built on the lot. Property owners, who want to do something with or on their lot which is contrary to the local law, may apply to the Zoning Board of Appeals for relief from the constraints of existing law. That relief is called a “variance.” Based on the evidence presented, including a Public Hearing, the ZBA may grant the variance requested, modify the request and grant the variance, or deny the request with no variance granted. The ZBA’s decisions must be consistent with the Town of Day Comprehensive Plan. If a request for a variance is denied, applicants may re-apply with a substantially different proposal or they may wait one year to resubmit a variance application that was denied. A variance that is granted will expire in one year if the Code Enforcement Officer has not approved the building plans and issued a building permit. Once the building is completed, the variance remains in effect.
The Town of Day has Adirondack Park Authority (APA) approved land use laws, so residents of Day seeking a variance do not have to apply to the APA. The APA is notified when a variance is granted. In addition, Saratoga County is notified on those variance applications where the project also involves a driveway permit onto a County Road.
Typically, property owners are referred to the ZBA by the Town’s Code Enforcement Officer but may also be referred to the ZBA by the Planning Board.
The Town of Day has Adirondack Park Authority (APA) approved land use laws, so residents of Day seeking a variance do not have to apply to the APA. The APA is notified when a variance is granted. In addition, Saratoga County is notified on those variance applications where the project also involves a driveway permit onto a County Road.
Typically, property owners are referred to the ZBA by the Town’s Code Enforcement Officer but may also be referred to the ZBA by the Planning Board.